Welcome to the Contact List of the Community-Music project. You can search the contact information in our list by group's name, state/prov/county, or by country. Click on the group's name link to view the full details about that musical group which can include their location, contact person, email address, website and social media links, and the date their listing was last updated. If you find any errors in the list please follow the directions below or use our "Contact" form to email them to the website administrator for resolution. Thank you!
To edit your listing, scroll down to find your listing and click the name to view your listing's details. From that view you will find a link to an update form where you can edit your listing and submit it to the moderators for verification. They will double check and verify your new information and update your listing in the database.
To add a new listing, click on the "Add New Listing" link, fill out the form and click "submit" to send it to the moderators for verification.
Display the complete List ordered Alphabetically by: Group Name, State/Province/County or Country.
Or display a List of International groups or those from the USA: USA or International.
There are 1501 groups in the list. Now displaying entries 101 - 200.